Unicode Characters

Here are some of the characters defined by the Unicode spec. To use a character in your web page, use the decimal equivalent in the format of &# + the number + ; (semi-colon).

Example: To make the phone symbol ☎, type ☎. Note: Certain symbols are not available in your browser font and these are displayed as ऄ. This page uses “Arial Unicode MS” as default through the stylesheet.

591 1425 ֑
592 1426 ֒
593 1427 ֓
594 1428 ֔
595 1429 ֕
596 1430 ֖
597 1431 ֗
598 1432 ֘
599 1433 ֙
59A 1434 ֚
59B 1435 ֛
59C 1436 ֜
59D 1437 ֝
59E 1438 ֞
59F 1439 ֟
5A0 1440 ֠
5A1 1441 ֡
5A2 1442 ֢
5A3 1443 ֣
5A4 1444 ֤
5A5 1445 ֥
5A6 1446 ֦
5A7 1447 ֧
5A8 1448 ֨
5A9 1449 ֩
5AA 1450 ֪
5AB 1451 ֫
5AC 1452 ֬
5AD 1453 ֭
5AE 1454 ֮
5AF 1455 ֯
5B0 1456 ְ
5B1 1457 ֱ
5B2 1458 ֲ
5B3 1459 ֳ
5B4 1460 ִ
5B5 1461 ֵ
5B6 1462 ֶ
5B7 1463 ַ
5B8 1464 ָ
5B9 1465 ֹ
5BA 1466 ֺ
5BB 1467 ֻ
5BC 1468 ּ
5BD 1469 ֽ
5BE 1470 ־
5BF 1471 ֿ
5C0 1472 ׀
5C1 1473 ׁ
5C2 1474 ׂ
5C3 1475 ׃
5C4 1476 ׄ
5C5 1477 ׅ
5C6 1478 ׆
5C7 1479 ׇ
5C8 1480 ׈
5C9 1481 ׉
5CA 1482 ׊
5CB 1483 ׋
5CC 1484 ׌
5CD 1485 ׍
5CE 1486 ׎
5CF 1487 ׏
5D0 1488 א
5D1 1489 ב
5D2 1490 ג
5D3 1491 ד
5D4 1492 ה
5D5 1493 ו
5D6 1494 ז
5D7 1495 ח
5D8 1496 ט
5D9 1497 י
5DA 1498 ך
5DB 1499 כ
5DC 1500 ל
5DD 1501 ם
5DE 1502 מ
5DF 1503 ן
5E0 1504 נ
5E1 1505 ס
5E2 1506 ע
5E3 1507 ף
5E4 1508 פ
5E5 1509 ץ
5E6 1510 צ
5E7 1511 ק
5E8 1512 ר
5E9 1513 ש
5EA 1514 ת
5EB 1515 ׫
5EC 1516 ׬
5ED 1517 ׭
5EE 1518 ׮
5EF 1519 ׯ
5F0 1520 װ
5F1 1521 ױ
5F2 1522 ײ
5F3 1523 ׳
5F4 1524 ״

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126 - 199 Extended
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13 Jul 2013 14:32:27