Use Registry for Settings
I had a case where the customer specified that the macros needed to be in the the template spreadsheet rather than the ‘write to’ as I would have written the project.I decided to hold several settings in the Registry. One person always runs the macros, they siimply come from various members of the group.
Option Explicit
Public Const APPNAME As String = "CC Tracker" '2nd
Public Const RPTNAME As String = "Tracker" 'Top
Public Const KeyFROM As String = "SpreadFrom" 'Key
Public Const FROMtab As String = "TabFrom" 'Data
Public Const ToTab As String = "ToTab"
Public Const KeyTO As String = "SpreadTo"
Public Const USERID As String = "User"
Global CopyTo As String
Global CopyFrom As String
Dim Z As Integer
Global SheetTo As String
Global SheetFrom As String
Sub InitTrackerLogCopy()
'Capture settings prev used from PC registry
CopyFrom = GetSetting(RPTNAME, APPNAME, KeyFROM, "x") 'Spread last from Registry
SheetFrom = GetSetting(RPTNAME, APPNAME, FROMtab, "Reporting") 'Tab
SheetTo = GetSetting(RPTNAME, APPNAME, ToTab) 'Write to Tab
SaveSetting RPTNAME, APPNAME, KeyFROM, ThisWorkbook.Name 'Save Current Book
SaveSetting RPTNAME, APPNAME, USERID, Environ("USERNAME") 'Save User
SaveSetting RPTNAME, APPNAME, "LastUse", Now() 'Save Date
CopyFrom = GetSetting(RPTNAME, APPNAME, KeyFROM, ThisWorkbook.Name) 'Get Cur Name
CopyTo = GetSetting(RPTNAME, APPNAME, KeyTO, "The Log.xls") 'Get log name
With frmCopyCharges
With .lblCopyFrom
.Caption = "Copy the spreadsheet from : " & vbCrLf _
& Chr(32) & Chr(32) & CopyFrom 'Init form with spreadname
.Font.Bold = True
.Font.Name = "Arial Narrow"
.Font.Size = 12
End With
After the project was completed, several other groups took an interest and it has spread thru our building.