<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//IETF//DTD HTML//EN"> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"> <meta name="description" content="JavaScript examples page"> <meta name="AUTHOR" content="ALAN BARASCH alan@goofy.com"> <meta name="GENERATOR" content="Microsoft FrontPage 2.0"> <title>JavaScript Examples Page</title> </head> <script language="JavaScript"><!-- var now= new Date(); var mCol = now.getMonth(); if (mCol == 0) BackCol = "#FFFFFF"; if (mCol == 1) BackCol = "#E6E600"; if (mCol == 2) BackCol = "#FFFF80"; if (mCol == 3) BackCol = "#FF915B"; if (mCol == 4) BackCol = "#C0C0C0"; if (mCol == 5) BackCol = "#FFE9BB"; if (mCol == 6) BackCol = "#EDD080"; if (mCol == 7) BackCol = "#5EC3E3"; if (mCol == 8) BackCol = "#CFB49A"; if (mCol == 9) BackCol = "#80FF80"; if (mCol == 10) BackCol = "#FF80FF"; if (mCol == 11) BackCol = "#8080FF"; document.write("<BODY BGCOLOR=" + BackCol + ">"); // --></script> <script language="JavaScript"><!-- var daily= new Date(); var dName = daily.getDay(); if (dName == 0) Mast = "js1a.gif"; if (dName == 1) Mast = "js2.gif"; if (dName == 2) Mast = "js3a.png"; if (dName == 3) Mast = "js4.gif"; if (dName == 4) Mast = "js5.gif"; if (dName == 5) Mast = "js6.gif"; if (dName == 6) Mast = "js7.gif"; document.write("<CENTER><IMG SRC=images/" + Mast + " BORDER=0></CENTER>"); // --></script> <script language="JavaScript"><!-- var One= new Date(); var xName = One.getDay(); if (xName == 0) TheDay = "Sunday"; if (xName == 1) TheDay = "Monday"; if (xName == 2) TheDay = "Tuesday"; if (xName == 3) TheDay = "Wednesday"; if (xName == 4) TheDay = "Thursday"; if (xName == 5) TheDay = "Friday"; if (xName == 6) TheDay = "Saturday"; // --> </SCRIPT> <p>In my companys Intranet site, my group maintains an extensive site of its own to disseminate research papers and installation instructions. I was looking for a way to make the opening page look fresh all the time even if the content was behind the times.</p> <p>I had been wanting to learn JavaScript and this seemed like a ready-made application. I looked all over the web for something similar but everyone had the same 5 applications.<font color="#FF0000"> Enjoy!</font></p> <UL><LI>What you are looking for is in the background and the masthead. I wrote a little ditty that changes the Background Color based on the month. For example, White (FFFFFF) in January or Vomit Yellow (E6E600) in February. <script> document.write(" This months background = " + BackCol); </script>.</LI><P> <LI>There is a second script that changes the JavaScript image at the top based on the day of the week. <script>document.write("The one displayed today is " + Mast + " for day " + dName)</SCRIPT> <SCRIPT>document.write(" corresponding to " + TheDay + ".")</SCRIPT> </LI></UL> <P>Remember in JavaScript that zero (Ø) is the first logical number so Sunday or January corresponds to zero.</P> <P>Following is the code for the page: <CENTER><TABLE border=0 BGCOLOR="#FFFFE1"><TR><TD VALIGN="top"><PRE> <P> </PRE></TD></TR></TABLE></CENTER> <p>Last update: 2 August 1997 @ 13:19</p> <CENTER> <table border="0"> <tr> <td align="middle"><a href="../"><img src="../images/alanhbut.gif" alt="Alan's Home" border="0" width="144" height="31"></a></td> <td align="middle"><a href="../philatelic/"><img src="../images/falkisbut.gif" alt="Falkland Stamps" border="0" width="144" height="31"></a></td> <td align="middle"><a href="../excel/"><img src="../images/xlvbabut.gif" alt="Excel & VBA" border="0" width="144" height="31"></a></td> <td align="middle"><a href="../genealogy/olimpix.htm"><img src="../images/famtreebut.gif" alt="Family Tree" border="0" width="144" height="31"></a></td> <td align="middle"><a href="../themes/stlouish.htm"><img src="../images/stluthme.gif" alt="Plus! Themes" border="0" width="144" height="31"></a></td> </tr> <tr> <td align="middle"> </td> <td align="middle"> </td> </tr> </table></CENTER> <form name="form1"> <p align="center"><input type="button" value="<-- Return" onclick="history.back();"> . . . <input type="button" value="Forward -->" onclick="history.forward();"> </p> </form> </body> </html> |