Unicode Characters

Here are some of the characters defined by the Unicode spec. To use a character in your web page, use the decimal equivalent in the format of &# + the number + ; (semi-colon).

Example: To make the phone symbol ☎, type ☎. Note: Certain symbols are not available in your browser font and these are displayed as ऄ. This page uses “Arial Unicode MS” as default through the stylesheet.

100 256 Ā
101 257 ā
102 258 Ă
103 259 ă
104 260 Ą
105 261 ą
106 262 Ć
107 263 ć
108 264 Ĉ
109 265 ĉ
10A 266 Ċ
10B 267 ċ
10C 268 Č
10D 269 č
10E 270 Ď
10F 271 ď
110 272 Đ
111 273 đ
112 274 Ē
113 275 ē
114 276 Ĕ
115 277 ĕ
116 278 Ė
117 279 ė
118 280 Ę
119 281 ę
11A 282 Ě
11B 283 ě
11C 284 Ĝ
11D 285 ĝ
11E 286 Ğ
11F 287 ğ
120 288 Ġ
121 289 ġ
122 290 Ģ
123 291 ģ
124 292 Ĥ
125 293 ĥ
126 294 Ħ
127 295 ħ
128 296 Ĩ
129 297 ĩ
12A 298 Ī
12B 299 ī

Menu of Code Pages

0 - 99 Normal
126 - 199 Extended
200 - 255 Extended
256 - 299 Accented Latin
300 - 399 Eastern European
400 - 499 x
500 - 599 z
600 - 699 a
700 - 799 diacritics
800 - 899 f
900 - 974 Greek
1025 - 1279 Cyrillic
1280 - 1319 Cyrillic
1425 - 1535 Hebrew
1536 - 1791 Arabic
1872 - 1919 Arabic, sup
2100 - 2200 v
2305 - 2416 Devanagari
2433 - 2554 Bengali
2562 - 2676 Gurmukhi
2689 - 2799 Gurjarati
2817 - 2928 Oriya
2946 - 3058 Tamil
3073 - 3183 Telugu
3202 - 3311 Kannada
3330 - 3439 Malayalan
3585 - 3675 Thai
3713 - 3805 Lao
3840 - 4025 Tibetan
4256 - 4347 Georgian
4500 - 4599 Korean
4900 - 4999 Ethiopic
7440 - 7499 Music
7808 - 7813 Accented Ws
8400 - 8499 Letterlike Symbols
8500 - 8591 Hebrew Trad
8592 - 8682 Arrows
8960 - 9082 Technical
9216 - 9290 Control & OCR
9312 - 9399 Circled numbers
9424 - 9449 Circled letters
9472 - 9599 Box & Drawing
9600 - 9699 Box & Drawing
9700 - 9799 Dingbats
9800 - 9899 Dingbats
9900 - 9999 Places
20300 - 20399 Chinese
64273 - 64335 Hebrew, misc
64336 - 65151 Punctuation
65152 - 65279 Arabic
65280 - 65374 Latin
65375 - 65499 Japanese
65500 - 65535 Currency
119000 - 119281 Music
127137 - 127195 Playing Cards
128000 - 128599 Emoitcons
23 Feb 2025 16:00:09