Unicode Characters

Here are some of the characters defined by the Unicode spec. To use a character in your web page, use the decimal equivalent in the format of &# + the number + ; (semi-colon).

Example: To make the phone symbol ☎, type ☎. Note: Certain symbols are not available in your browser font and these are displayed as ऄ. This page uses “Arial Unicode MS” as default through the stylesheet.

384 900 ΄
385 901 ΅
386 902 Ά
387 903 ·
388 904 Έ
389 905 Ή
38A 906 Ί
38B 907 ΋
38C 908 Ό
38D 909 ΍
38E 910 Ύ
38F 911 Ώ
390 912 ΐ
391 913 Α
392 914 Β
393 915 Γ
394 916 Δ
395 917 Ε
396 918 Ζ
397 919 Η
398 920 Θ
399 921 Ι
39A 922 Κ
39B 923 Λ
39C 924 Μ
39D 925 Ν
39E 926 Ξ
39F 927 Ο
3A0 928 Π
3A1 929 Ρ
3A2 930 ΢
3A3 931 Σ
3A4 932 Τ
3A5 933 Υ
3A6 934 Φ
3A7 935 Χ
3A8 936 Ψ
3A9 937 Ω
3AA 938 Ϊ
3AB 939 Ϋ
3AC 940 ά
3AD 941 έ
3AE 942 ή
3AF 943 ί
3B0 944 ΰ
3B1 945 α
3B2 946 β
3B3 947 γ
3B4 948 δ
3B5 949 ε
3B6 950 ζ
3B7 951 η
3B8 952 θ
3B9 953 ι
3BA 954 κ
3BB 955 λ
3BC 956 μ
3BD 957 ν
3BE 958 ξ
3BF 959 ο
3C0 960 π
3C1 961 ρ
3C2 962 ς
3C3 963 σ
3C4 964 τ
3C5 965 υ
3C6 966 φ
3C7 967 χ
3C8 968 ψ
3C9 969 ω
3CA 970 ϊ
3CB 971 ϋ
3CC 972 ό
3CD 973 ύ
3CE 974 ώ

Menu of Code Pages

0 - 99 Normal
126 - 199 Extended
200 - 255 Extended
256 - 299 Accented Latin
300 - 399 Eastern European
400 - 499 x
500 - 599 z
600 - 699 a
700 - 799 diacritics
800 - 899 f
900 - 974 Greek
1025 - 1279 Cyrillic
1280 - 1319 Cyrillic
1425 - 1535 Hebrew
1536 - 1791 Arabic
1872 - 1919 Arabic, sup
2100 - 2200 v
2305 - 2416 Devanagari
2433 - 2554 Bengali
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2689 - 2799 Gurjarati
2817 - 2928 Oriya
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3073 - 3183 Telugu
3202 - 3311 Kannada
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3585 - 3675 Thai
3713 - 3805 Lao
3840 - 4025 Tibetan
4256 - 4347 Georgian
4500 - 4599 Korean
4900 - 4999 Ethiopic
7440 - 7499 Music
7808 - 7813 Accented Ws
8400 - 8499 Letterlike Symbols
8500 - 8591 Hebrew Trad
8592 - 8682 Arrows
8960 - 9082 Technical
9216 - 9290 Control & OCR
9312 - 9399 Circled numbers
9424 - 9449 Circled letters
9472 - 9599 Box & Drawing
9600 - 9699 Box & Drawing
9700 - 9799 Dingbats
9800 - 9899 Dingbats
9900 - 9999 Places
20300 - 20399 Chinese
64273 - 64335 Hebrew, misc
64336 - 65151 Punctuation
65152 - 65279 Arabic
65280 - 65374 Latin
65375 - 65499 Japanese
65500 - 65535 Currency
119000 - 119281 Music
127137 - 127195 Playing Cards
128000 - 128599 Emoitcons
23 Feb 2025 16:00:09