Unicode Characters

Here are some of the characters defined by the Unicode spec. To use a character in your web page, use the decimal equivalent in the format of &# + the number + ; (semi-colon).

Example: To make the phone symbol ☎, type ☎. Note: Certain symbols are not available in your browser font and these are displayed as ऄ. This page uses “Arial Unicode MS” as default through the stylesheet.

C82 3202
C83 3203
C84 3204
C85 3205
C86 3206
C87 3207
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C89 3209
C8A 3210
C8B 3211
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C90 3216
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C92 3218
C93 3219
C94 3220
C95 3221
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C97 3223
C98 3224
C99 3225
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CAC 3244
CAD 3245
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CBC 3260
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CC0 3264
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CCA 3274
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CCC 3276
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CD0 3280
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CDC 3292
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CE3 3299
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CEE 3310
CEF 3311

Menu of Code Pages

0 - 99 Normal
126 - 199 Extended
200 - 255 Extended
256 - 299 Accented Latin
300 - 399 Eastern European
400 - 499 x
500 - 599 z
600 - 699 a
700 - 799 diacritics
800 - 899 f
900 - 974 Greek
1025 - 1279 Cyrillic
1280 - 1319 Cyrillic
1425 - 1535 Hebrew
1536 - 1791 Arabic
1872 - 1919 Arabic, sup
2100 - 2200 v
2305 - 2416 Devanagari
2433 - 2554 Bengali
2562 - 2676 Gurmukhi
2689 - 2799 Gurjarati
2817 - 2928 Oriya
2946 - 3058 Tamil
3073 - 3183 Telugu
3202 - 3311 Kannada
3330 - 3439 Malayalan
3585 - 3675 Thai
3713 - 3805 Lao
3840 - 4025 Tibetan
4256 - 4347 Georgian
4500 - 4599 Korean
4900 - 4999 Ethiopic
7440 - 7499 Music
7808 - 7813 Accented Ws
8400 - 8499 Letterlike Symbols
8500 - 8591 Hebrew Trad
8592 - 8682 Arrows
8960 - 9082 Technical
9216 - 9290 Control & OCR
9312 - 9399 Circled numbers
9424 - 9449 Circled letters
9472 - 9599 Box & Drawing
9600 - 9699 Box & Drawing
9700 - 9799 Dingbats
9800 - 9899 Dingbats
9900 - 9999 Places
20300 - 20399 Chinese
64273 - 64335 Hebrew, misc
64336 - 65151 Punctuation
65152 - 65279 Arabic
65280 - 65374 Latin
65375 - 65499 Japanese
65500 - 65535 Currency
119000 - 119281 Music
127137 - 127195 Playing Cards
128000 - 128599 Emoitcons
23 Feb 2025 16:00:09